Free coloring pages with creepy, cute characters from Japanese urban legends, 10 Creepy kawaii printables for Halloween

You can make things look cute by giving them a certain style, even spooky characters can turn into kawaii.

Let me introduce you to Japanese urban legends, full of exciting stories and mysteries!! Japan is famous for making horror stuff in movies and stories! Based on popular legends, i created this collection of coloring pages in my own kawaii style.

Not only will you get a free collection of 10 coloring pages, but you’ll also get to know a few popular legends from Japan.

This collection is the perfect way to have hours of adorable fun coloring with your friends. 

Click the button to get your free coloring pages in pdf format.

Kuchisake-onn Slit-Mouthed Woman

Kuchisake-onn Slit-Mouthed Woman malevolent figure in Japanese urban legends and folklore free coloring page

During dark nights, there’s a mysterious lady walking around the streets of Japanese cities. Her face is hidden by a scarf or mask. 

She goes up to people she meets and asks, “Do you think I’m pretty?” If they say yes, she quickly shows her face, and it looks like she has a big, scary smile from one ear to the other. Then she asks again, “Do you still think I’m pretty?” If someone says no, she hurts them like she hurt herself. If they tell a lie and say yes, they might get to go away, but later, the demon will come to their home.

Ghost Taxi Passengers

Ghost Taxi Passengers Japan Tsunami free coloring page2011 Ghost Story Japanese Urban

Imagine a spot where being nice goes beyond even after life. where taxi drivers give rides to passengers lost in the sad waves. These friendly ghosts and drivers take a ride that connects two worlds, showing how being caring and close matters. Join us as we discover this unique story that gives us both shivers and warm feelings.

After the big tsunami hit Japan in 2011, this story started going around. This legend helped people deal with the really sad things that happened because of the tsunami. It was like a way to understand and talk about the bad stuff that happened.

Aka Manto (Red Cape) - red paper or blue paper

Aka Manto Red Cape Red Vest red paper blue paper free coloring page

Aka Manto, also known as the Red Cape. The spirit who wears a red cloak and mask. People say he hangs around in schools and public bathrooms. This ghost will give you two options: red paper or blue paper. But watch out, because these choices come with a twist! Red might bring a surprise, and blue might lead to something very unpleasant.

In Japanese horror, toilets are often used as a setting for spooky stories because they are places where people are vulnerable and isolated for a short time. This is the first but not the last urban legend with a haunted toilet in this article.

The Red Room Curse, an internet-focused story

The Red Room Curse an internet-focused story free coloring page

Let’s explore a modern tale that’s all about the internet: The Red Room Curse! This story takes us into the digital world, where a mysterious red room lurks. Imagine a pop-up that suddenly appears on your screen. It’s all red, and there’s black writing that says, “Do you like the red room?” A spooky voice says the same thing. Even if you try to close the box, it keeps coming back until the voice finishes talking. When the voice stops, your whole screen turns red, and a lot of names show up. 

It’s said that anyone who enters faces a spooky fate. But don’t worry, we’re here to enjoy the story from a safe distance behind the coloring page.


young girl Hanako-san haunts school toilets free coloring page

Let’s meet Hanako-san! For several years now, she has been the most famous ghost in this country. You can usually see her in the third stall of the bathroom on the third floor, mostly in the women’s restroom, but it doesn’t always happen that way. Her looks can be different, but usually people say she’s a girl with short hair and a red skirt.

In most cases, she stands still in the bathroom until one of the students provokes her. Hanako-san can also be summoned. How? You knock on the door of her stall—usually three times, say her name, and then ask the question, ‘Are you there, Hanako-san?’ If she is present, she will respond in a weak voice: ‘Yes, I am.’ If someone is brave enough to open the door at that moment, they will find Hanako-san there.
Some legends also say that the sight of good grades causes Hanako-san to simply dissolve in the air and then disappear.

Some people believe she might even grant wishes or offer advice.

Kiyotaki Tunnel Horror - Japanese Urban Legend free coloring page
Prepare for a spooky journey as we explore the Kiyotaki Tunnel Horror. Urban Legend has it that strange things happen to those who go into the tunnel, especially at night.
The tunnel was built in 1927. People believe that the ghosts of the workers who built it and died from difficult, enslaving work live here. People say these ghosts show up at night. They get into cars and frighten drivers enough to make accidents happen. Some even say the tunnel’s length seems different depending on if you measure it during the day or at night.
One version of this urban legend is about a lady who shows up at night, and this version you can find here for free.

Teketeke no legs woman

Teketeke teke teke no legs woamn girl railway station free coloring page

Another urban legend character is Teke-Teke, actually Reiko Kashima, who was cut in half by a speeding subway train. Her ghost, despite not having legs, moves incredibly fast. Hobbling on her hands and elbows, dragging her torso on the ground, she makes a distinctive “teke-teke” sound.

Unfortunate individuals who cross her path are cut in half using a scythe or a saw. Similar to Kuchisake-onna, a series of questions is posed to the victim. “Where are my legs?” the apparition begins. “They are at Meishin subway station” is the only correct response. “How do you know that?” Teke-teke continues. “I heard about it from Reiko Kashima” Only by knowing the correct sequence of sentences can one avoid a sharp cut and… keep their legs.

Nure-Onna - Snake Woman

Snake Woman Nure-Onna free coloring page

The legend describes a creature that’s part woman and part snake. In some stories about Nure-Onna, she holds an infant, using it as bait by pretending to be a lost mother. 

When they spot a victim, they ask for help taking care of the child. The unsuspecting passerby picks up the bundle, but the child turns out to be a stone or a pile of leaves. Either way, the
bundle is so heavy that the victim cannot move, and that’s when the nure-onna strikes.

Aokigahara Japan's Suicide Forest

Aokigahara Japan's Suicide Forest free coloring page

Let’s explore a mysterious place in Japan known as the Suicide Forest, or Aokigahara! This forest holds secrets and stories that make it a bit different from other places. Aokigahara is a place where many people choose to end their lives, more than in most other places. There are signs around the area that ask people to think again about what they want to do. 

Aokigahara is a special place. It reminds us that taking care of our minds and getting help when we’re down is important.

Jorōgumo - Spider Woman

Jorōgumo woman spider a creature of Japanese folklore free coloring page
At a young age, it is a spider with an ornate abdomen that feeds on insects. When it reaches the right age. It transforms into a fearsome yokai, It becomes a cannibal.
Thanks to its supernatural powers, it appears to young men in the form of an alluring woman and lures them into its web. Some claim that the demon also controls other spiders and, with their help, seeks revenge on those who would thwart its plans.


When you use these coloring pages, you’re not just having fun being creative, but you’re also exploring spooky urban legends from Japan. Get ready to use your artistic skills to learn about these characters. Add some cuteness as you color them. So, grab your coloring stuff and let’s start a journey that’s both fun and teaches you something new – where the cute and creepy come together in a cool way.

Don’t hesitate to share your work with others, even on social media!

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10 coloring pages in pdf file

Print at regular letter size 8.5″ x 11″ (21.59 x 27.94 cm) for best results.

All coloring pages are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may share your colored drawing on social media.

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